The facts are facts. You bloat when you fly. It was kind of eye opening for me when I was a brand new flight attendant and a senior mama pointed out a water bottle to me and said something along the lines of, “see that? That’s your body right now,” as the water bottle expanded before our eyes. I realized then that I am sacrificing a lot for this job. Being punished for eating veggies and hummus? ABSURD. But this is my life, and I want to share with you what I eat and avoid when I fly to feel good when I land.


  • GREENS! This one is kind of a no brainer. There are so many vitamins we get from greens so whether it’s a $10 green juice from the airport, packed salad from home, or greens tablets (Amazing Grass makes great ones), get em in!
  • Berries. They are full of vitamins and are such a hydrating fruit. Perfect to snack on midflight.
  • Citrus. Vitamin C + hydration. Winner winner chicken dinner.
  • Melon. Another hydrating fruit. Noticing a pattern here?
  • Cucumber. Eat you water!
  • Charcoal. Detoxify as you fly.
  • Ginger. Ever notice why ginger ale is such a popular beverage on flights? It’s great for your tummy! Bring ginger tea to avoid all the sugar.
  • Turmeric. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, I like to sprinkle a bit over veggies (+black pepper to activate the curcumin) or have a golden milk latte midflight!
  • No-legume dips. Listen. I love hummus as much as the next person. In fact, so much that I will sacrifice stomachaches for it sometimes. But the more I fly, the more I realize it’s not worth it, especially not on long flights. I’d rather opt for other dips that are just as good! Bitchin Sauce and Baba Ghanouj are some of my favorites! Kite Hill makes awesome dairy-free dips too.
  • Coconut water. It’s got a lot of electrolytes and great for extra hydration.
  • Kraut. Your digestive system gets confused when you fly, so one of the best things you could do is pay extra attention to your gut!
  • Gluten free oats. I love having oats because it leaves me feeling satiated which keeps me from mindless snacking. (Pro tip: prep your oats in a jar, then ask your flight attendant for hot water! That way you can create your own dream oats and avoid added sugars.)


  • Legumes. It’s tragic, I know. Especially being plant based. Beans, lentils, chickpeas – I’ll see you when I land.
  • Cruciferous vegetables. Now this is just cruel. We are being punished for eating veggies and it sucks. But here’s the thing – broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, arugula, and cauliflower have fibers and raffinose which cause extreme bloating. And that is no bueno when you fly.
  • Carbonated beverages. I stopped drinking soda awhile ago, but I also stopped drinking sparkling water a little bit ago because of the bloat caused by little air bubbles. Think about it. You’re basically drinking air!
  • Dairy. I don’t consume dairy often anyway, but I especially try to avoid it when I fly because it upsets my stomach.

I should also add that I am not a nutritionist or a professional. For the past five years, my body has been a real life experiment and this is just what works for me. Also note that you should drink A LOT of water. More than you think you’d need. I also love to add FLIGHTFŪD to my water when I fly! I’ve noticed that when I take it, I land less bloated and fatigue. It’s like magic. As always, I hope this helps!! All the (gut) love.


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